Utah State University
THEA 1223- Stage Make Up Course Syllabus
Fall 2016
T/TH 8:30-10:20
Maren Lyman
Office Hours: T/TH 11:30-1:00 by arrangement
Final Time: Thursday, December 15, 9:30-11:20 am.
Please be: On Time, Prepared for class, Respectful of Classmates and Instructors
Develop the skills necessary to execute detailed makeup application techniques
Use makeup skills to develop individual characters appropriate to a wide range of plays
Identify and understand the structures of the human skull and facial muscles
Apply makeup techniques from different historical periods
Identify the major facial differences of the aging process
Explore specialty techniques like wounds, non-human elements, and fantasy makeup
Your goal in this course is to gain a practical understanding of stage makeup, its application, and its contribution to the visual impact of the actor on stage.
Stage Makeup by Richard Corson
Pearson Higher Ed ISBN- 10: 0-205-64454-6, ISBN- 13: 978-0-205-64454-4
There is a differential tuition course fee equivalent of $85/student. This is used for the student makeup kits as well as class supplies.
Ben Nye Makeup Kit (included in class fees and will be ordered the first day of class)
White face towel
90% rubbing alcohol in small spritzing bottle
Make up brushes- inexpensive paint brushes work well
Powder Puff
Grubby shirt - a button down shirt is recommended over a pull-over
Hair ties/headband
Face wash (you will need more than makeup removing towelletes)
Facial moisturizer
Facial tissues
Makeup case or tackle box
Hand mirror (*optional, but “Handy”)
Sponge wedges, Q-tips, and cotton balls
8x10 black and white headshot of yourself, full front and profile
Page protectors (min of 14)
Tracing paper/vellum
3-ring binder
Colored pencils (to create designs on paper, include skin tones and highlight and shadow colors)
Additional makeup for more intricate designs
This course relies heavily on demonstration and practical application in class; regular attendance is MANDATORY in order for you to gain familiarity with the material. Please be on time with the correct supplies. Failing to attend class will reflect on your grade:
3 unexcused absences = B
4 unexcused absences = C
6 unexcused absences = Failing Grade
Arriving tardy is rude, disruptive, and will not be tolerated. Once I have closed the door to begin class at 8:30, any stragglers will be counted as tardy.
Please NOTE: 3 tardies = 1 absence.
*I realize that life happens and that sometimes students cannot help being absent or tardy. If you are ill or have an emergency, call the Dept. Office and leave a message with Isaiah (435) 797-0085 AT LEAST 15 MINUTES BEFORE THE START OF CLASS. If I am not notified by this time, the absence will not be excused.
Use of cell phones is prohibited during class. They should be muted, off the table, and out of sight. However, you may take process and completion photos of your designs with your phones.
Take photos of your work!
No late assignments will be accepted. If you know you will miss the due date for an assignment, please make arrangements with me to turn it in early.
Makeup Morgue
Your makeup morgue will include at least 200 images of faces, arms, hands, etc., that can be used when designing makeup. You may also use evocative images. See your handout for a breakdown of categories. You will build this morgue from images that you find from a variety of sources: magazines, internet, copied from books, paintings, etc. The completed morgue will be worth 200 points.
Your morgue can consist of images either bound in a 3-ring binder or compiled digitally in a Power Point and turned in via a CD or jump drive. Either way, the morgue must be done neatly, with clear headings of categories and pictures that are no smaller than 4X6. If done as a Power Point, there can only be one picture per slide. If done as a binder, there can be no more than 3 pictures per page. Feel free to share your images with the class.
In addition to your found research, you will include a photograph of each makeup assignment you do in class. Put the photo images side by side in your morgue with your face chart for that project. If you elect to turn in a digital morgue, you will have to scan your chart and insert it into a slide.
There will be a quiz over each chapter you are assigned to read. It is important that you be familiar with the techniques and vocabulary and be ready with questions before we start the lesson of the day. Each quiz is worth 10 points.
Makeup Applications (Work Days)
You will have 12-14 individual makeup applications that you will be expected to complete in class. Please come prepared to each course with your research (in paper form) and design in hand. Come to class with a clean face, ready for makeup application. We will start cleaning up approximately 15 minutes before the end of class.
Your research and facial charts will be graded as part of your application and need to be included in your makeup morgue.
*Plan ahead! Make sure you know what colors and supplies are available before you design your applications. If what you want is not available, there are stores in Salt Lake City and Ogden that sell theatrical makeup. There are a few places in the valley to purchase makeup as well, but sometimes they are scary. Be aware of supplies available at Halloween time for your Fantasy and Halloween applications. You can also buy most things online. Plan ahead for shipping time.
**Very Important: Please test a small area of your face/body that is to have makeups and other chemicals applied to it before applying it all over. We would like to avoid allergic reactions.
Final Project
Choose a character from a play. You will be required to do a character analysis, research of the time period, character, makeup character research, face chart and execution. We will discuss this project more in-depth in class. These designs must be original designs, not copied from photos, or of past productions. I want you to think about your character choices and tell me your reasoning in your class presentation.
Grade Breakdown
Makeup Morgue 200
Participation 100
Quizzes 100
Makeup Assignments 480
Research (10) Chart (10) Execution (20)
Final Project 120
Character analysis (25) Research (25) Face chart (20)
Execution and class presentation (50)
Total Possible 1,000
A 1,000-930
A- 920-900 C- 720-700
B+ 890-870 D+ 690-670
B 860-830 D 660-630
B- 820-800 D- 620-600
C+ 790-770 F 590-0
C 760-730
University Policies:
Students are required to complete all courses for which they are registered by the end of the semester. In some cases, a student may be unable to complete all of the coursework because of extenuating circumstances, but not due to poor performance or to retain financial aid. The term 'extenuating' circumstances includes: (1) incapacitating illness which prevents a student from attending classes for a minimum period of two weeks, (2) a death in the immediate family, (3) financial responsibilities requiring a student to alter a work schedule to secure employment, (4) change in work schedule as required by an employer, or (5) other emergencies deemed appropriate by the instructor.
Each student has the right and duty to pursue his or her academic experience free of dishonesty. The Honor System is designed to establish the higher level of conduct expected and required of all Utah State University students.
The Honor Pledge: "I pledge, on my honor, to conduct myself with the foremost level of academic integrity."
A student who lives by the Honor Pledge is a student who does more than not cheat, falsify, or plagiarize. A student who lives by the Honor Pledge: Espouses academic integrity as an underlying and essential principle of the Utah State University community; Understands that each act of academic dishonesty devalues every degree that is awarded by this institution; and is a welcomed and valued member of Utah State University.
Plagiarism includes knowingly "representing, by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or unpublished work of another person as one's own in any academic exercise or activity without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged used of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials." The penalties for plagiarism are severe. They include warning or reprimand, grade adjustment, probation, suspension, expulsion, withholding of transcripts, denial or revocation of degrees, and referral to psychological counseling.
Sexual harassment is defined by the Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission as any "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature." If you feel you are a victim of sexual harassment, you may talk to or file a complaint with Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Office-Old Main, Room 161, or call the AAIEEO Office at 797-1266.
The Americans with Disabilities Act states: "Reasonable accommodation will be provided for all persons with disabilities in order to ensure equal participation within the program. If a student has a disability that will likely require some accommodation by the instructor, the student must contact the instructor and document the disability through the Disability Resource Center (797-2444), preferably during the first week of the course. Any request for special consideration relating to attendance, pedagogy, taking of examinations, etc., must be discussed with and approved by the instructor. In cooperation with the Disability Resource Center, course materials can be provided in alternative format, large print, audio, diskette, or Braille.
I, ________________________________________________ have read the THEA 1223 Fall 2016 course syllabus and understand my responsibilities, as a student of this course.